일단 WHEEL그룹에 su를 허용 할 USER를 추가한다. GROUP파일을 추가해도 되고, usermod 명령으로 반드시 -a 옵션
[@localhost~]# usermod -a -G wheel username
[@localhost~]# usermod -a -G wheel sharad [@localhost~]# id sharad uid=500(sharad) gid=500(sharad) groups=500(sharad),10(wheel) [@localhost~]#
일단 수정할 파일을 백업하고,
[@localhost~]# cp -p /etc/pam.d/su /etc/pam.d/su.save
4번라인 주석제거
#%PAM-1.0 auth sufficient pam_rootok.so # Uncomment the following line to implicitly trust users in the "wheel" group. #auth sufficient pam_wheel.so trust use_uid # Uncomment the following line to require a user to be in the "wheel" group. auth required pam_wheel.so use_uid auth substack system-auth auth include postlogin account sufficient pam_succeed_if.so uid = 0 use_uid quiet account include system-auth password include system-auth session include system-auth session include postlogin session optional pam_xauth.so